Microplastics- what are they ?
Microplastics are tiny solid plastic particles (smaller than 5 millimetres). This definition covers a very wide range of particle sizes including nano-sized. The research usually focuses on particles that are still visible, from 100-200 micrometres (i.e., 0.1-0.2 millimetres). Currently, the categories
“large” (1 millimetres to 5 millimetres) and “small” (<1 millimetres) have been introduced . Some plastic is manufactured as microplastics (e.g. microbeads) and washed down drains, while larger plastic debris degrades into micro-sized particles over time with exposure to sun and water.
For example, microbeads can be found in body cleansing products.
There is also larger plastic debris which degrade into micro-sized particles over time with exposure to sun and water. Microplastics in aquatic systems are typically dominated by fibres and/or fragments while microbeads are a minor component.